logo Mines Douai O-ISIC.UE2.ERP
Progiciel de gestion intégrée (PGI-ERP)

General informations


Ingénieur (niveau M2)

Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information et de Communication

Organisation et Gestion des Systèmes d'Information






CHARLES Frederic

Pedagogic informations

Training objectives
Today, globalization of competition, the globalization of markets and reduction of response time make real-time access to relevant information than strategic for business survival, even when they operate on a national market.

Integrated management software package (ERP for Enterprise Resource Planning), propose to meet this expectation and automate all flows about the company and circulate with information between employees.

Learning objectives
At the end of this course, students will:
- Have developed an understanding of the role of ERP in enterprises,
- Have developed an understanding of the ecosystem of key players involved in the implementation of an ERP including leading ERP market?
- Will have knowledge of the environmental problems of IT and solutions currently available?.

Learning context

Course materials
Collection of articles on ERP for a class discussion,
Course support to PowerPoint,
Website SEO educational resources.


Course content
Reading grid of the Company as an organization

Evolution of Systems of Information and positioning of ERP in this evolution and at the heart of the business.

The market and the players (positioning, issues, opportunities and constraints) of an eco-system involved in the establishment:
- Companies, users, representative bodies of the employees,
- The ERP vendors, publishers of complementary products,
- Integrators, firms change management

The environmental issue:
- What is the situation? Bill Clinton, inventor of Green IT in 1993?
- Green IT, from design to implementation:
- Eco-design, initiator of sustainable procurement
- Although manage printing
- The IT park as a whole
- Moving towards green data centers
- Manage the end of equipment life

Personal work
Reading materials and articles to class discussion.
Working group to produce and support

Label (French) Label (English)
Progiciel de gestion intégrée (PGI-ERP) Integrated management software

Exam description

Exam structure
1 credit