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Interface homme machine

General informations


Ingénieur (niveau M1)


MIN15: Habitat Intelligent






DIRIS Jérome
Home automation, piped button, energy strategies

Pedagogic informations

Training objectives
To be able to:
- Define the requirements of modern homes
- Designing tomorrow's connected objects
- Improve machine men contacts
- Manage the energy saving way

Learning objectives
Home automation is equally applicable to that particular industry but with slightly different goals. For the first group, comfort takes precedence over energy conservation, whereas it is the opposite in the second group of users.
Moreover, the simple remote control functions operating on all kinds of devices are now commonplace. Commands acting simultaneously on different devices in order to place them in a determined functional condition.
For this, the course will take place in several stages
a) study of automation HMIs, GTB and GTC current extractions with their concepts
b) explanation of these concepts
Surround Button (macro control cycle execution)
System Introduction "logic" with detection of the absurd syntheses
(Heating and air conditioning, lighting and shutter)
Implementation of energy strategies with criteria and constraints
c) realization of these concepts depending on the audience

At the end of this course, the listener will be able to differentiate between different HMI systems, to implement the basic principles of ergonomics of these systems to achieve or improve them.

Learning context
First semester of master 1

Course materials


Course content

Personal work

Label (French) Label (English)
Interface homme machine Man-machine interface

Exam description

Exam structure
pratical work / 2ECTS